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Sheriff Spotlight

Sheriff Mark Harrell

Autauga County

Time in Office: 1 year and 5 months

Hometown: Montgomery, Alabama

Family: I am married to Melissa Harrell, ​and we have five children - two boys ​and three girls.

Hobbies: I love to hunt deer, travel, ​and spend time with my family.

Favorite quote/saying/verse:

"Yea, though I walk through the valley of ​the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: ​for thou art with me; thy rod and thy ​staff they comfort me." - Psalm 23:4

Office Updates

“We have several positive things happening with the Autauga County Sheriff's Office. We just completed our ​first Autauga County Sheriff's Office Rodeo, and hope for this to be an annual event. We are looking forward ​to hosting a Special Needs Fishing Rodeo at Camp Hobbs Boy Scout Camp on May 18. We have also recently ​added a Mental Health Deputy to the Autauga County Sheriff's Office to assist in the commitment of persons ​in Mental Health Crisis, and we have expanded our Sheriff's Office K9 unit with Drug Detection K9's on each ​shift and three tracking K9's for Search and Rescue.” - Sheriff Harrell